Dr. Christos Simos
Christos Simos received the Physics Degree from the University of Athens (Greece), DEA in High Frequency Electronics & Optoelectronics and PhD in Photonics from the University of Limoges and IRCOM laboratory (France) in 1995, 1996 and 2002 respectively. From 2002-2003 he was postdoctoral research fellow in the Laboratoire des Proprietes Optiques de Materiaux & Applications (Angers, France), while from 2003-2006 he was senior scientist in Forth Photonics S.A. (Athens, Greece).
He is currently Lecturer in the Department of Electronics of the Technological Educational Institution of Lamia (Greece) and research collaborator with the Photonics Technology Laboratory of the Univeristy of Athens.
His main research interests include quantum dot lasers, nonlinear optical phenomena and properties of novel materials, laser systems and applications, as well as optoelectronic systems for metrology and medical diagnostics. He is co-author of more than 50 publications in journals and conference proceedings.